Since removing gelatin from a mold can be tricky, it’s much easier to use individual molds instead.

Also, when making individual molds, it’s best not to use a muffin tin. I’ve learned from experience that glass and ceramic molds are heavy and cumbersome, so stick with metal or plastic. Ebay and Etsy are other excellent sources for vintage molds. The Goodwill in my neighborhood has a new supply of molds every week – and they’re cheap! Antique malls also have a wide selection, but tend to be more expensive. I find shopping for vintage molds just as fun as making gelatin. NOTE: Never add gelatin to boiling water – this apparently deactivates gelling abilities. If the gelatin doesn’t completely dissolve, you’ll see white clumps or ropes of gelatin in your final product. The heat will successfully dissolve the gelatin.

HOWEVER, many people (including my recipes) prefer 1 ¾ cups liquid per 1-packet of gelatin.
Basic Technique: How to Work with Gelatin from The Kitchn.Gelatin molds are easy to make, but knowing a few tips and tricks can make a big difference.